Smartphones / mp3-players

If you own an iOS device (iPhone/iPod/IPad) or an Android device you might be able to use the advantages of cue sheets through some apps. Since I don't use my phone to listen to music, I didn't test any of these first hand. Nonetheless here is a list of them. All of them seem to be free of charge.

iOS (iPhone/iPod/IPad)

CUE Music Player Pro



Meridian Media Player Revolute

Poweramp Music Player (Trial)

Portable Media Player

I don't know of any mp3-player that supports cue sheets. But there is the possibility to install an alternative firmware, called Rockbox, on your device. Take a look at this website to see if a firmware for your device is available . The only recent models supported by Rockbox are the players of Sandisk's Sansa family, which get vastly enhanced through this firmware.

If you happen to own one of the devices listed, head to Rockbox's website, read the manuals and make sure you understand what you are about to do:

Before you can use the cue sheets you have to activate the cue sheet support in Rockbox's settings menu. Also, since the seek support for mp3 files is not very accurate in Rockbox I recommend downloading the ogg Vorbis version of B's mix and cue sheets.

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